Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Saving Turtles

New Straits Times
March 20, 2012

IF, as some mythologies would have it, the world really is held up by giant turtles, then, by the speed with which turtles are disappearing, this world is in big trouble. Of the 30 turtlespecies discovered, 23 no longer exist. Of the remaining seven, six are listed as "critically endangered" and "endangered" in the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List of Threatened Species. Hundreds of thousands of turtles are caught in trawl nets and gill nets each year and drown because they were unable to surface for air.

Beyond mythology, turtles play a vital role in keeping ocean ecosystems in balance. For instance, Hawksbill turtles maintain the marine sponge balance in the ocean, and this allows coral reefs to grow. Leatherback turtles, which feed on jellyfish and have been known to eat up to 200kg of jellyfish a day, keep the jellyfish population in check. Too much jellyfish can adversely affect fish stocks, since they feed on fish eggs and larvae.

Yet, though so vital to the environment, turtles face many hurdles in their quest for survival. Even though a female turtle can lay hundreds of eggs, only one in 1,000 hatchlings will make it to adulthood. Turtle eggs have many predators, among whom are humans. Hatchlings that live take decades to mature. If they survive to that stage, death can come in the form of discarded plastic bags (that they mistake as jellyfish, and eat), trawl nets and poachers. And when mature and ready to set up family, turtles are deterred from mating or laying eggs if their beach is disturbed in the slightest. Bright lights, noise, human activity, or any coastal development, will drive them away.

In Malaysia, turtles play another important role - as an eco-tourism attraction. Tourists flock to turtle beaches like Cherating, Pulau Tioman and Pulau Perhentian, and pay a lot of money to see the turtles. The small village of Rantau Abang in Terengganu exists in the national consciousness solely because it was once home to the leatherback turtle. Though recent landings have given the village a spark of hope, a severe drop in turtle sightings and returns over the last 30 years drove the government to declare the leatherback locally extinct, virtually killing the tourism industry there. To revive its turtle populations, Malaysia must institute a total ban on the sale and consumption of turtle eggs, remove turtles from the jurisdiction of the Fisheries Act 1985 and place them under the protection of the stringent Wildlife Conservation Act 2010.

Hatchery Releases Baby Turtles

News Straits Times
March 20, 2012

PORT DICKSON: About 1,300 baby hawksbill turtles, hatched at the Glory Beach Resort Turtle Hatchery, were released into the sea between June and December last year.

This is more than 70 per cent of the total number of eggs collected by the hatchery from residents in the area and the Malacca Fisheries Department.

Chief of the Rantau Abang Turtle Centre and Marine Ecosystem Syed Abdullah Syed Abdul Kadir said the successful programme was initiated in September 2010 to rescue as many turtle eggs as possible in the area.

"We asked members of the public who find turtle eggs to send it to the hatchery where they will be incubated.

"After hatching, the baby turtles are released into the sea.

"We hope they will return to the area here someday as adults to lay their eggs," he said.

He was speaking at a recent awareness programme for the media at the hatchery.

The turtle rehabilitation programme is a joint effort between the Turtle Centre, Malacca, Negri Sembilan Fisheries Departments, and Glory Beach Resort.

Also present were state executive councillor for tourism Datuk Mohammad Razi Kail, Port Dickson municipal council president, Abdul Wahab Shamsuddin and Glory Beach Resort general manager Isaac Raj.

Syed Abdullah said the main objective of the programme was to create awareness of turtle conservation - and the importance of safeguarding the turtles and their habitat - among the locals, tourists and fishermen.

He said they expect to incubate. hatch 3,000 eggs this year

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Fishermen Learn to Save Turtles Themselves

New Straits Times
March 18, 2012

KUALA TERENGGANU: THE cooperation of fisherfolk is vital to turtle conservation.  Dr Jarina Mohd Jani of Universiti Malaysia Terengganu's Institute of Oceanography and Environment said more efforts were needed to improve relations between    fishermen and turtle conservationists.
"This enhanced engagement will contribute towards a better understanding of how turtle conservation affects the fisheries sector.
"This will benefit the fishermen as healthy turtle populations contribute towards a healthy ocean and more sustainable fishing livelihoods," she said.
At least 11 dead green turtles (Chelonia mydas) were found washed ashore in Terengganu in the first two months of the year, according to Fisheries Department statistics.
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)-Malaysia said the animals died of drowning after being entangled in the wire mesh of ray nets (pukat pari), which are illegal.
The Fisheries Department seized 134 ray nets in the state's waters from April to September last year under the Fisheries (Prohibited Methods of Fishing) Regulations 1980. However, enforcement remains a challenge, and more stringent measures are needed to ensure that the use of illegal fishing gear is reduced.
Persatuan Khazanah Rakyat Ma'Daerah (Mekar), a community-based environmental non-governmental organisation in Kertih, had organised three turtle rescue and release workshops for about 150 fishermen in 2009 and last year.
The workshops trained participants to rescue and resuscitate turtles accidentally caught in fishing gear, and to subsequently release them back into the sea.
The workshops, which were carried out in collaboration with and co-facillitated by the Fisheries Department, WWF-Malaysia and WWF-Indonesia, are a means of engaging local fishermen through education and awareness activities.
Mekar also advised fishermen to notify the Fisheries Department or WWF-Malaysia of any dead turtles they might find.
Following these workshops, several turtles were rescued by fishermen by applying the techniques they learnt.