The Ma’ Daerah model is a unique achievement. It is the first sanctuary initiated in partnership between the Department of Fisheries, WWF Malaysia and BP. The Terengganu State Government set the stage for collaboration. The Department of Fisheries took the lead in drafting the proposal and WWF Malaysia assisted in scientific studies. And BP provided the necessary funding to keep the momentum strong.

The objectives of the Ma’ Daerah Turtle Sanctuary Centre focus on better protection for turtle eggs, better conservation awareness among community members, and stronger relationships among researchers and administrators. The Ma’ Daerah Working Committee, initially comprised the Department of Fisheries, WWF Malaysia, BP and BP Petronas Acetyls, acts to develop, monitor and evaluate all conservation and management programmes. The Ma’ Daerah Steering Committee facilitates stakeholder consultations and is the principal platform to address conservation issues and identify practical solutions. 

Ma’ Daerah beach, only 1.7 kilometres long, has the best natural habitat for marine turtle nesting. As a sheltered cove, its shoreline is sandy and covered with ample patches of grasses intermingled with shrubs and trees. Low-lying hills surround Ma’ Daerah and conceal its environs from inland development and the coastal highway. The dense vegetation and natural forests of these mounds shield the beach from intrusive lights and noise; which two reasons why abort landings turtles.